I have to answer all the questions using the 1st initial/letter from my name..And the answer have to be real..sound tough..but lets give it a try..
Name : Nurul (i use this name as formality name n signature)
4 letter word : Nape????? (boleh lah kan :P)
Boy's Name : Nik Razif....(opismate dulu, skang dah berhenti dah)
Girl's Name : Nani...hihi--> Nie kawan sy yg dah terpisah jauh sgt, merentas benua..kawan sek men, same U ms diploma, ayah die pulak pernah jd cikgu n warden ms sy sek dulu (siapakah die???? :P)
An Occupation : Network Programmer..
A colour: natural
Something you will wear: Nite Dress of coz !!!
Food : Nasi putih + tomyam campur+telur dadar (warh laparnye !!!)
Found in the bathroom : Napkin budak...hihi boleh ker nie, tak tahu lah nak jawab ape :)
A place : Norway
Reason for being late : No excuse hahaha....
Something you shout : Never!!!!!!!!
movie title : Night in the Museum..
Something you drink: Nescafe ais..masyuk :)
A musical Group: Nidgi--Indonesian group
An animal: Nightingale (Name sejenis burung yer kengkawan, jenuh nak kena surf kat internet dulu)

A street : Jalan Nipah (Agak2 ada ker nie???)
A type of car : Naza Sutera (Nie kete sahabat sy, Puan Nora :P)
Title of a song : No One (Alicia keys)
Jeng..jeng dengan ini sy nak suruh mereka2 dibawah ini untuk menjawabnyer :)
1. Firdeeforever
2. Cupidgurlhome
3. Dan sesapa sajer yg free nak menjawab nyer :)
1 comment:
hi zan..
sian ko bizi2 pun kena layan tag..buat bile ko free tau..saje release tension:P
sudila ambik awards kt blog aku k=)
P/S: mmg sntiasa ternanti2 citer dr ko tau!
take care zan..salam pd nora n hubby k
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