remember lagi post Ezan yg lepas..ala yang cite psl keputusan yg Ezan buat
ini lah die kengkawan..I've reassigned to new division
which is something new 4 me..
Tukar angin...
Start from 22nd Nov hari tue.
Ezan masuk Group Finance
No...NO..i'm not accounting background yer :)
blajar sikit2 jer ms study dl
Why moved?
Ramai yg tnya mcm tue..
ade yg kate dah elok2 duk kat opis lame
pindah kat sini plak.
Ezan cm beritahu yg Ezan nak tukar angin
yg lain..biarlah rahsia kan
Ezan cm nak hentikan orang drpd buat dosa
(warh sgt baiknyer ko haha :))
Masuk kat sini, bnyk sgt nk kn balajr balik
and yg plg takut
expectation orang kat kite kan
for past 2 weeks nie..
Mcm2 Ezan nk kena buat..fuh
& Under me, i'll have 2 non-exec
Tak pernah anggap mereka as my staff
they have their own expertise
which i nvr have before
now, Ezan yg kn blajar dgn diorang
apelah..tblk kot
oklah, will update more later
hari nie mood sgt gumbira taw
En Hubby balik..hooray :P

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